Man that was a long sentence.
Regardless, I feel it's important to update you all (the approximately 3 of you that stumble by here) of my current obsessions. First, it's important to note that what I love I love fiercely and obsess over learning every detail of.
1. Dalmatians. Especially extremely cute deaf senior female ones named Dot. Especially ones I am loosely considering adopting with SS for our place this summer in Indy. See here:

2. Gastronomic delights- this includes delicious special gourmet food like spinach artichoke dip but mostly includes yummy things that me and SS enjoy, like spaghettios, pizza rolls, fajitas, spaghetti, salsa, and chicken curry. There's nothing more satisfying to me in the world than enjoying the food you want to taste at the exact moment you get to taste it. Also on the list: cream cheese frosting, cool whip, cookie dough, and mini cupcakes. Yum yum.
3. Children and all children related blogs- I really love little kids. I love taking pictures of little kids. I love telling everyone how my cousins are the best little adorable children in the whole world.
this leads me to points 4 and 5:
4. Photography- I love my camera. I love photoshop and I love landscape photography. I used to think landscape pictures were boring but they are my favourite things. I love taking pictures of people and babies and bugs and omg sunsets and mountains. I love my bridge camera that is not quite a point and shoot and not quite a DSLR. I love reading my camera manual and photography blogs and magazines and and and... yes.
5. Knitting, crocheting, sewing gifts- I really have a huge blast making cute pink or purple fuzzy things for my adorable cousins to wear and I don't think I'm going to be able to stop. Today I bought more yarn than I can handle and after the poncho and baby sweater are done, I'm making concentrated efforts to knit a cable knit case for SS's laptop. But after that it's all baby clothes, all the time.
and finally,
6. Running- I'm obsessed. I'm obsessed with running blogs and foot-strikes-per-minute ratios and shoe sizes and conditions and wind speeds and running gadgets.
These obsessions are seriously a disease, people. I just wanted to outline them so I could let you all know when I go off the deep end and compose a post entirely about knit gauges following one about green onions and cream cheese, and you wont be surprised.
Missing all of you like crazy!
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